People often assume that there is no reason to hire a divorce attorney when filing for an uncontested divorce. However, this is often not the case. After all, a divorce case encompasses more than just the end of your status as a legally married couple. This case will also deal with a variety of issues such as property division, child custody, spousal support, and legal liability for paying off debts that were accumulated during the time you were married.
21 April 2021
If you have been charged with driving under the influence (DUI), you may be coming to grips with how it will affect your life. Don't let the fact that the charge is a misdemeanor mislead you, this is a very serious matter, and the punishments can be severe. One major issue that some DUI offenders seldom consider is how a DUI could affect their job. Read on to find out more.
17 December 2020
Have you been charged with a DUI, or do you drive "buzzed" sometimes? If so, it is important to realize that the sanctions assigned to individuals who are convicted or accept pleas to DUIs can be tremendous. Beyond the fines, there are other inconveniences and sometimes life-changing circumstances that may happen. This is why it is best to know the potential repercussions before making high-risk choices. However, it is important to note that a DUI charge does not always mean that individuals will get convicted.
20 August 2020
From your civil rights to your freedom and reputation, there is a lot at stake when you are accused of committing a crime. In situations as serious as these, you have the right to have legal representation for yourself when you go to trial. However, there are a lot of approaches that can be taken when it comes to your criminal defense, so how do you know which one is best suited for your individual situation?
1 May 2020
Being represented by a criminal law attorney is a must if you are to fight against being convicted of a crime. There are some situations, though, that call for defendants to make a decision on their own. When it comes to taking the stand during a trial, it's up to you—although your lawyer can advise you on what seems best. This ability to either testify on your own behalf or stay put at the defense table can be more complicated than might, at first, appear, so read on to find out more.
11 December 2019
Those arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) will face a major decision. Even those that have not yet had an opportunity to speak with their legal counsel will be asked to enter a plea. The plea choices are: Guilty Not guilty Nolo contendere, or no contest For some guidance on how to handle this decision, read on. Your DUI Arraignment Arraignments happen within a day or so of an arrest.
21 August 2019
Finding yourself in jail for any type of crime is never good news for you or your family, and you might want to find a way out quickly after getting arrested. If you want to get out of jail quickly and do not have enough cash to pay your bond, you could either hire a bail bondsman for help, or you could hire a lawyer that offers 24/7 bail bond lawyer services.
15 May 2019
Any criminal defense attorney will tell you that when you decide to take the stand to testify on your own behalf, it's not just about what you say and how you say it. You also need to be aware of your body language, which can help or hurt you. Even though no members of the jury might be body language experts, the average person gets certain feelings when watching people using certain types of body language.
29 December 2018
After years of struggle, you finally landed your dream job. There are a few problems: it is in another country and your child's other parent is going to fight the move. Even if you have full custody, this fight is going to be tough. But it can be won. Why Moving To A New Country, Even With Full Custody, Is Hard Even if you have full custody of your child and the other parent only rarely sees them, trying to move to a new state, let alone a new country, is going to be tough.
15 October 2018
Getting arrested and accused of driving under the influence can change your life in some surprising ways. Many people are unprepared for the way that the justice system has increased the minimum penalties for this offense in an effort to cut down on drunk driving fatalities. What might have led to a slap on the wrist in the past now has the power to put you in jail, take away your driving privileges and cost you thousands of dollars in fines and penalties.
11 September 2018